Lie 3: Sin Defines You

(A series on lies sin tells us to tempt us and trick us. Join me in exposing sin’s lies to God’s Word in this 8 part series.)

We more or less have a Sunday School answer memorized to counteract this lie: Christ defines who I am.

But when it comes it to living it- predisposition often wins.

Predisposition is a subtle form of deceit. It preys on our tendencies, including the tendency to believe that what is is all that will be. Not only do we fear change, we reject the notion it’s really possible.

So the lie forms and we believe it: my sin defines me.

Meanwhile, God says we have the option to be transformed.

Take back the truth.

We are born into sin, but through Christ we can be born again- out of sin.

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There’s no need to keep reliving old sins as if they are more powerful than the salvation Christ has given you.


Case Study: Shame

The consequences David faced for His sin were dire-a beloved son died. A nation saw their king’s shame.  His circumstances were (publicly!) defined by a sinful choice he had made.

But David knew he still had a choice. He took control over what he still had control: his next choice. To sin or not to sin. To continue in his shame, allowing it to define Him, or turn to God for renewal and restoration.

Choosing to turn to God, David responded with the words of Psalm 51:10:

“Create in me a pure heart, O God,
     and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

You and I can’t get clean on our own. We can’t redefine ourselves using our own sin-stained hands. 

Sin will continue to follow us around, slinging mud, calling us dirty, claiming us as its own. When we make a mess trying to “redefine” ourselves, sin only seems all the more irremovable.

But God.

Who can cleanse us from our sin?

Who can make us whole again?

Who can clothe us, dressing us in white?

None but Christ.

Asking God to define our identities for us means telling sin it doesn’t have the authority to make our next choices for us. Exposing the lie that sin defines us requires immovable faith in a Sunday School answer:

Christ alone has the power to not only wash our hearts clean, but give us new hearts. Christ alone redefines us, predisposing us to stainlessness instead of sin.   

Interested in guest posting on First And Second? Click HERE…looking for your thoughts to add to the Sin Lies Series!

This post may also be shared on: #TestimonyTuesday, #RaRaLinkup, #Intentionally Pursuing, #WomenWithIntention, #TellHiStory, #Thought-Provoking Thursday, #DanceWithJesus, #LLMLinkup, Faith-Filled Friday, Sitting Among Friends, and #SoulSurvivalLinkup.

15 thoughts on “Lie 3: Sin Defines You

  1. Horace Williams Jr.

    Powerful, poignant post Bethany. What a thought provoking reminder that our Savior has washed away our sins. It is only through Him we can live a life of service and accomplish His will. Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts. Such an inspiration to read. May we always remember who we are in Christ. Blessings to you and yours.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your words are such an encouragement that nothing but Jesus defines us, and he defines us as beautifully loved. Too often we can pigeonhole ourselves into a corner with “that’s just the way I am,” but loved is the way we truly are! Thanks for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lisa Appelo

    This is a lie that can keep us completely paralyzed from the abundance God has for us and the works He’s planned for us. Oh may we see our sin as it really is but also God’s grace. Happy to be next door to you at #tellHisstory.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such a great reminder. Christ died for us and we can walk in the forgiveness He offers rather than in the shame of our sin. Sin no longer has a hold on us because of the amazing gift we have received. By walking in the light and letting God’s word wash over us, sin in our lives can be exposed and we can then allow the Holy Spirit to do his transforming work in us. I love your message. Sin doesn’t define us!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This makes me think of Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” So often we forget that our sin truly does NOT define us. Great post Bethany. It’s amazing how many churched people still believe this lie instead of accepting the salvation and grace that only King Jesus provides to set them free!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Nicki. Transformed- made new- able to walk in His will! Too often I witness or tempted to join conversations and groups uniting over sin as if defines us instead of Christ who has defined us. Romans 12 is one of my favorite passages! Sets me right back on my feet before the Lord who has set me free!


  6. Blogger Loves The King

    Loved this. Goes along with a Bible study I just finished called Uninvited. Lysa TerKeurst reminded us that heartbreaking seasons can grow us but were never meant to define us.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. danahoebeke

    It’s amazing how exposing a lie is such Truth that its a lie 🙂

    As in David’s case and many others, sexual sins have a way of sticking to us, like we are that sin…
    It takes the powerful blood of Jesus to wash away the filthy rags Satan tries to make us wear and having it replaced with the white robe of righteousness.

    Liked by 1 person

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